Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's been a while

Yes, it's been a while since I was able to post something. I just don't get on the computer the way I used too. Anyway, here goes......

As part of our initial assessment and data base, we ask a multitude of questions. There are some that are more important than others, especially when we get to the systems of the body. We would definitely like to know if you have heart problems or lung problems and the like. So recently one of our nurses was asking a patient if she had any numbness or tingling. The pt. raised her hands above her head and said, "only when I put my hands up like this for a long time". Now, I don't know about you, but that happens to most people, pregnant or not. And how many pregnant women do you know that sit and raise their hands over their heads for a long time. Really????

Our halls have been very busy over the last few weeks. I am thankful to have a great job, even in the craziness of it all. I'm hoping everyone is having a great week.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This was found recently and fits us so well

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.

Don't we know it!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Pain is such an interesting phenomenon.

Some people complain of horrible pain, yet are able to smile, laugh, and carry on a converstaion. As nurses we are taught that you must go with what the patient says regardless of how they look. If she says her pain is an 8 out of 10, that's what it is.

Other patients keep their level about 4-5 when you know they are writhing in pain inside.

And there are definitely a multitude of different places for pain, especially in labor hall. Most complain of back pain-welcome to pregnancy!! Others complain of abdomnial pain - yes sweetheart, those are called contractions.

But lately we've had some interesting complaints of pain that really have nothing to do with labor. One such was in this evening. She complained of "vagina hole pain" That's right, not just vaginal pain or pressure, not contractions, oh no--this was all out VAGINA HOLE pain. I pity this girl when she goes to deliver this child. Hopefully she will get an epidural to take away that "vagina hole pain".

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mayday, Mayday

One of our nurses had to call a physician early this morning. Oddly enough, this particular physician's husband is a doctor as well--plastic surgery. After finding this out, the nurse had a very interesting comment. "Well if I had known that--Mayday Mayday I'm a 32A. You're needed in Labor Hall right away!" We ALL about peed in our pants. Totally random and oh so funny!!

How to handle a horrible husband

A perfect quote from our illustrious resource, "All you need is a woodchipper and a fast moving river!" Thanks so much.


So this morning a girl arrived back in to the halls of labor. It was her second trip in less than 12 hours. Unfortunately she's not in active labor-just miserably uncomfortable. She said she really didn't want to be here. That she just wasn't ready. Then she said she felt like if she came in, she needed to leave with something. Then the priceless coment came from her husband's mouth, "would you like a sucker". Although she just shot him a look, we all thought it was hysterical. I love my job!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

quote of the night

A girl comes in, quickly changing her cervix from 4-8-complete. Mind you she was going natural, and the baby's head was crowning--she asked for an Ibuprofen. I guess she thought that would help. Bless her heart. She did great though and had a beautiful baby. Love it when things go well.